Closing Our Eyes cover

Philippe PetitClosing Our Eyes

Crónica 233

Release: 1 April 2025

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  1. Closing Our Eyes, part 1
  2. Closing Our Eyes, part 2
  3. Closing Our Eyes, part 3
  4. Closing Our Eyes, part 4
  5. Closing Our Eyes, part 5
  6. Closing Our Eyes, part 6
  7. Closing Our Eyes, part 7
  8. Closing Our Eyes, part 8
  9. Closing Our Eyes, part 9
  10. Closing Our Eyes, part 10
  11. Closing Our Eyes, part 11

Closing Our Eyes is a series of compositions that invite the listener-spectator to find a place of interiority, a sonic journey that conjures up images, imaginary signs, in perpetual change to create the possibility of pushing the imagination further, to express a visual fantasy. This could have been the imaginary soundtrack of a film that only exists on the spur of listening… You can only see the images by closing your eyes?!

Following his soundtrack to Dante Alighieri’s Divine Comedy, Closing Our Eyes is pushing further the marriage of electronic and acoustic. From his early works recontextualizing Mahler’s first symphony, Cordophony, giving priority to sounds coming from the vibrations of one or several strings, or The Extraordinary Tales of a Lemon Girl and A Reassuring Elsewhere trilogies, Petit is always showing extreme respect to the acoustic material, keeping it fresh, accentuating the relief and depth of the noble sound-material.

This collection of pieces conjures images, mental and emotional pictures of events, scenes and moods, bringing a new palette of sounds with a vast array of inside-piano, tape manipulations, percussive instruments and modular synthesisers played in creative and unconventional ways. Organising sounds in search of sensation may be a powerful image stimulus; a new art of sound may perhaps prod our psychological forces into creating new dimensions of experience.

Acoustic transformation through electronics is musically stimulating, creating and modifying sounds, developing a new reflection of the musical language which could escape conventional stylistic limitations.

It could, though should it?

Petit is happy to keep his music in motion, natural, visceral, while being playful!
