Bittersweet Melodies cover

Ran SlavinBittersweet Melodies

Crónica 109 CD sold out

Release: 19 April 2016

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  1. Saturday’s Dress
  2. Category: Murdered Entertainers
  3. Disruptive Lounge
  4. Fake Sunsets
  5. Dubai Dawn
  6. Sad But True
  7. Sinatra Was Here
  8. The Pineapple Assassin
  9. Collapsing Melody
  10. Fast Moving Circumstances
  11. Deserted New Buildings
  12. Discreet Features

Bittersweet Melodies, Ran Slavin’s 11th studio album, dives into crime time ambient poster sunsets, Middle East noire, slow zones of scratched utopian atmospheres, lazy scattered DSP lounge, fractured low-fi beats, vinyl postcard vignettes, deserted new buildings electronica. Unreleased material that was long scattered across disparate hard drives and closely associated to a release on Mille Plateaux 12 years ago, prior to its abrupt closure, have been put together, furbished, separated from digital dust, polished, remastered, and re-fired into the ether.

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