Is That You? invites you to become a solo protagonist in an imaginary soundtrack. While embracing you in an ocean of orchestral delight, the delicate arrangements and the overall amplitude of the piece’s resonance carry you across a 23 minute drama full of beauty and intrigue.
Rossano Polidoro and Emiliano Romanelli’s improvised recordings stem from carefully written evocations of orchestral brass and wood colors which are later reprocessed live. TU M’s performance is yet another level of evocation, building concurrent arrays of sound flux full of instrumental warmth and vivid organics.
TU M’ are meager in words about their music, but this sparseness finds a balance in the expressivity of their music.
With Is That You? we present the second release in the Limited Series of original artworks, especially produced for each digital release. The Limited counterpart of this Unlimited release is Unique Clouds, a certified signed and numbered limited edition of 10 rubber stamps, produced for Crónica and TU M’ by the Portuguese artist Miguel Leal.
Tu M’ is the Italian multimedia duo formed by Rossano Polidoro and Emiliano Romanelli in 1998. Their works include music, video and photography. They live and work in Città Sant’Angelo, Pescara, Italy.
The laptop, in the smart hands of the Italian act Tu m’ can be considered as a true instrument, capable of “playing” and processing either digital noises or acoustic instruments... A sort of “emotional process”. This is something that happens in a magical way in the artistic and musical production of Tu m’ (I refer to both music and videos): they are not only among the most promising sound artists of the Italian scene but they’re even great at giving “a face” to their music. (NY Arts Magazine)